
In 1969, I was stationed at Ft. Bragg, N.C. for a short period. I had a one week leave and wanted to make the best of it, so I made arrangements to leave on Friday as my leave time started on Monday. One of my buddys would pick up my leave papers on Monday and sign me out then. Everyone was doing that then, so I tried it too.
I wasn't going AWOL, I was just leaving early for leave. I took a bus, made several stops and was at a bus stop in Atlanta, Ga.waiting for my next connection, when two young MP's came up to me and asked for my leave papers, well I didn't have them on me as I have left early.I had just put a cig. in my mouth and was attempting to light it when they came up to me. needless to say, I never got it lite, when they hand cuffed me, with hands behind my back, and they put my class A cap on my head side ways like a drunkman and was lead to their little room at the bus stop. Everyone that was in the bus stop, which was quite full at the time , looked like they could stare a hole in me....like I was a deserter or something. It made me fill lower than a snake. I love my country and at that time in the 60's well you know the rest of the story there. I'm proud of my country and would go thru it again if I had too, even thru the hurt that it did.

jonesville, LA