In 1984, I enlisted into the United States Army, like my step-father and father before me; I was very proud to serve my country.
I am not here to bash the military, or its veterans. Unlike combat vets that live a nightmare that I will never know, I live a nightmare that many vets will never know.
I am a survivor of MST. In case you do not know what that means, it stands for Military Sexual Assault.
My assault was not simply touching or intimidation; it was forced rape over several weeks. Due to those assaults, and the threats of death, I left the military.
Survivors of MST suffer PTSD and many other symptoms such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, trust issues, and many other emotionally-dibilitating illensses that takes years, if ever, to overcome, or learn to deal with.
Many have attempted suicide, or have killed themselves.
Like our brothers and sisters that are combat vets, survivors of MST live with a nightmare that we wish would go away.
It has ruined my life -
Please, support those who, even though they have not served in a combat role, still suffer the trauma of what our fellow soldiers did to us.
They not only ruined the lives of those they assaulted, they ruined careers as well.

Ft. Pierce, FL