Unexpected Moment

My story is short but my eyes still leak when I think about it. I was shopping at my local Costco, browsing the isles as one does when they've left the shopping list at home. I had stopped in one of the main isles to think. An older man came towards me, wheeling himself in his wheel chair. He was a Marine. I'm partial. My grandson is a Marine.

My gaze followed him as he turned into a side isle. A young man and his children stood in that isle checking out the snacks. As the vet turned into the isle, the young man guided his children to the side and immediately came to attention and saluted, holding his salute as the old man passed. The old man returned the salute and continued on.

My eyes filled with tears at the respect and appreciation shown by this young man, an example to his children. I wanted a "replay" so everyone could see it. I wanted to shout it across the store. "Did you see that? Did you see that? Thank you, God, for this young man. Thank you for this old vet. Thank you for all our servicemen. Thank you for my grandson."

That's my story. It's short but the memory is sweet.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA