Courtesy of the University of Minnesota

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter” - Martin Luther King Jr.

In response to the murder of George Floyd Jr., it is past time to end the silence and acknowledge the system is broken, that there is unequal access to opportunity and justice under the law, and there is a need to re-double our focus on social and economic justice in America.

Black Lives Matter.
We need to do better as a company and country. We need to make concrete changes rather than just making additional supportive statements.

As a first step in response to the death of Mr. Floyd, is matching all contributions to the official University of Minnesota scholarship in honor of George Perry Floyd Jr. up to $100,000 over the next four years, to help fund college education for students committed to social justice.

Additionally, we are increasing our product purchases from domestic businesses with black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) and women owners. We are proud to feature items from Caribbean Craft and Peace Coffee in our stores to help them rebuild from damages sustained during recent demonstrations.

Lastly, we have doubled our goals to protect low wage essential workers and the communities hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic: We commit to give one million protective facemasks to nursing home, home health care and shelter workers in partnership with SEIU 1199 and other frontline relief organizations.

GreaterGood has always supported human empowerment, animal welfare, and protecting our planet: “People, Pets, Planet”. Economic justice is the cornerstone of all of these issues. We believe in creating opportunities where they are lacking. We are proud of investing over $50 million dollars directly with artisans worldwide, many of whom are women in rural areas; who spend the funds locally in their communities and on education for their children. These payments have a multiplier effect in reducing intergenerational poverty and the opportunity gap.

We believe in selling products which make a difference and are committed to sourcing products from every state and Canadian province, and most countries world-wide; including areas which are post conflict or post disaster where we have sent our buyers including Afghanistan, Cambodia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, Israel, Palestine, Mali, Zimbabwe, and Rwanda. We specialize in areas which are hard to reach, including land-locked countries (Armenia, Bolivia, Nepal) and products certified “Wildlife-Friendly” or made by refugees and other vulnerable populations.

All purchases from any GreaterGood store make an impact: We pay a charitable contribution for each item purchased and now also contribute a PPE facemask to protect frontline workers from COVID-19 with each order. Over 30% of our products create additional impacts because they are fairly-traded or sourced from nonprofits, small US companies, or BIPOC or women-owned businesses. We are members of the Artisan Alliance, the Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network, and our Far Fetched Jewelry is certified by the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO).

Thank you for joining us in support of this important work. Together we can change the world, because small actions can have a big impact.

Tim Kunin
CEO, GreaterGood