Back to the Barracks

After an evening of drinking , with one buddy passed out . Several of the guys had decided to carry him back to the barracks . With much struggle and uncoordination due to their condition , they kept dropping the poor man , stepping on his hands and Falling down on him in fits of drunken laughter . As they reached quarters , seeing him with bloody knuckles , all crumpled up ...My Dad decided it would be great humor to take the Jeep with the Muddy tires running over his jacket they HAD taken off ,then put him to bed with it on ...
Some forty years later when he was in Civil service , My Dad answering the phone using his name began to listen to a tyrade This same man began screaming at him saying he was the SOB that ran over him with a Jeep... I absolutely have loved and remembered this story the most of all my Dad told me.

Huntsville, AL